
A veteran Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson who has been in the spotlight for over 17years has launched her first book. Yvonne Nelson who's a Producer, Entrepreneur and a mother revealed in the later part of her book why she wrote that book. The book which is titled "I am not Yvonne Nelson" was launched on June 18,2023. The revelations in the book has got a lot of people talking. Some are wondering if she wants to cause a rift between Sarkodie and Tracey Success or just tarnish his image. The Princess Tyra star gave a summarised version of her life story but was very detailed with every event she mentioned. On page 93, she boldly explained what transpired between Sarkodie and herself when she got pregnant in her prime. The up and coming artiste has a serious girlfriend whom he wasn't ready to lose. She therefore had no other option than to abort the baby all by herself with no help whatsoever from Sarkodie. This shocking revelation has pulled some netizens to drop one of the earliest songs of Sarkodie titled "La Borrow." Sarkodie rightfully confirmed what Yvonne Nelson said though he mentioned no name. She also shared all there is to know about Inyanya the Nigerian musician who she used to love and how he got snatched by Tonto Dikeh. She confessed that Jaimie held and still holds her heart. The limelight queen also used the platform to thank Jackie Appiah, Majid Michel, Genevieve Nnaji and the likes for staying with her through thick and thin. She however explained the risk inolvolved in the entertainment industry and compared that of Ghana to Nigeria. She urged all upcoming actors to take their time and make the right choices.

However in the latter part of her memoir, she is in dire need to know who her father is as her mother has refused to tell her and now late. She feels she is incomplete without her father's love, name, attention hence she is not Yvonne Nelson.

She wrote:

A Letter to My Father

Dear Dad,

I cannot tell you how many times I have cried because I do not know you. I have tried to be strong. Growing up, I tried to shake off derogatory comments and names such as “abanoma”, but the more I tried, the more I was reminded of the reality that I did not know my father. I have a strong feeling that you exist. I feel you’re still alive. I pray to God to give you long life and cause our paths to cross before you pass on to eternity. I have a feeling you know me, so if you see me, don’t pass by. Come forward and let me see you. The main reason I wrote this book is to find you. I could have gone on social media or mainstream media to announce it, but that would have left out the backstories. No social media post or mainstream media interview could have captured my journey and struggle from the day the teacher called Eugene and me to his desk to ask if our father was the same man. That innocent instigation has helped me to establish what was not. I now want to know what is, who my father is.I have carried a false identity. I now know I am not Yvonne Nelson. What I don’t know is the surname that I was to supposed to carry. Perhaps, if I had known you, it wouldn’t have been a big deal. I would never have understood anyone who goes through depression in search of her father even at a time she is self-reliant and is able to take care of others. Having endured it for close to four decades, I understand it better. That’s why I’m reaching out to you. It doesn’t matter the circumstances surrounding my birth. If you are out there, When King Ayisoba burst onto the Ghanaian music scene with “I Want to See You, My Father”, many found it amusing. But I find myself having to repeat those same words. I want to see you, daddy. I want to hear from you. I want to know more about myself. Scientists say the male chromosomes determine the sex of the child. I don’t regret the woman I have become and I will be happy to see the man who contributed in some way to who I am today. I don’t care about who you are or the circumstances under which you had me. If you have a family somewhere and do not want your peace to be interrupted, spare a thought for a woman who feels incomplete until she sees you. I am not looking for you to share whatever you may have made and bequeathed to your children in that family. By the grace of God, I have enough to satisfy me, my daughter and those God has put under my care. If, because of your status or present circumstances, seeing you should be a secret that only the two of us would share, I’m prepared to grant you that anonymity. I can’t wait to hug you and ask you about all the gaps in my life. I need to fill those gaps. I need closure. And you are crucial to bringing me the much-needed closure. Kindly reach out if you read this letter and know you could possibly be the one I’m writing to.

Yours sincerely, Yvonne.