
In a discussion with Rev. Charlotte Oduro hosted by Kumasi Nyame on Afro614 multimedia on July 7,2023. Charlotte Oduro is a mother, wife, counselor and a founder of The Real Woman In Me. She has been educating the youth on how to have a good relationship with their partners. She pastors at Royal Victory Family Church International located at Kwabenya.

 Below are the breakdown on the show

The Real Woman In Me

She described the real woman in me embodies her struggles in life. She explained that, she has been through a lot in life considering her background. She knowing her root, she has none to turn to but God. She added that, when God gives you something, He knows how you can handle it. Furthermore, women are powerful human beings. Successful women are to show humility( women,money, humility) but this is never so. Since women feel society has demeaned them hence, they try to get back to society whenever they realise they're in a higher position. They feel their subordinates must pass through whatever pain they went through to make it in life.

Women Need Men

Regardless of the power, wealth, fame or popularity assumed by a woman, she still needs a man. She needs someone to listen, talk to, encourage,be with her and show her love. Though in the presence of others she might be all cool but behind closed doors, she's dying inside. However, a woman needs to find purpose in other to make life with a man. Both men and women need each other to make life. 

How Can you impact a partner?

This thrilling question was asked by Kumasi Nyame who never ceased to admire Rev. Charlotte's demeanor. From the conversation, it seems the two have a common mind on issues. Rev. Charlotte Oduro responded as, " Marriage/relationship is more than sex and babies. There's more to marriage. The little things change a lot in marriage. Business ideas, encouragement, respect, humility anything at all is needful in making an impact on a partner." Someone commented that, although not all partners can give business ideas but the little they do goes a long way to spice up their relationship/marriage. Mrs. Charlotte Oduro urged that, women marry men to honour God but never to disappoint Him. It takes few men to see the growth of their wives and still be supportive. 

Life's Tantrums 

Life's all about pain. You can't come into the world with laughter. Hence why every new born baby cries when it comes out. She described her life as full of pain and a little joy. She feels it prepares and makes her understand the pain others are going through. She could at times feel she needs more of the advise and encouragement she gives but it seems the pharmacist has no medicine for her own issues. No one is free from life's tantrums, struggles and problems but we all need to learn from everything life throws at us. That's all life's about she concluded.

Brouhaha from people 

The all time mentor was asked how she copes with insults from people. She made everyone understand that she does not mind since those critiques made by critics took their time to listen to her even more than her fans. For some critics, she personally texts them to correct them on issues while she ignores most of them. She's indeed a rare gem.

How I met my husband 

She narrated how she met her husband in the church she visited for the first time with her other two friends. A prophecy was given about her, as she being an inspiration to a lot of youth. In the next moment, she saw herself at the altar. After church had closed, her husband, Mr. Sacred Solomon Oduro approached and accused her of stealing his phone. This kind of meeting was never a good one she retorted. But as God ordained, they're now happily married with kids.

Marriage and divorce - why is divorce high in the Western World?

This intriguing question was asked and Mama Charlotte gave her shot. First off, she began, there are a lot of open doors in the Western world. Moreover, the laws are in the favour of women and they are morally free. In Africa, it's not our culture to opt for divorce in marriage but she urged that, no woman stays in an abusive marriage.

We Don't Pick Right In Marriage 

We don't pick right in marriage Kumasi Nyame said. Women are sometimes picky and tend to love bad boys. They do not pay attention to those who loves and cares for them. Mama Charlotte came in and added that, women should pay attention to men who loves and treats them right. You don't die to marry, you live to marry. Peace is key and divorce is a choice. Faithfulness in marriage is a choice. Marriage is an attack. When marriage is good, society is good.

Tips for men and women

Both genders need to work on themselves to be better for their partner. Can two walk together?? Unless they agree. Men love to be respected and cared for. Women want same hence both genders should extend those kind gestures to each other. She said that, if you cannot define the ego in your man, you cannot bring the king in him. Kumasi Nyame added that, it's about time we concientised our women about this issue and she backed him up. Mama Charlotte advised that women who are solely bringing up their male children do it the right way rather than poisoning their children's minds about their fathers.


Yvonne's book is good but could have done better with her mother's story. She went too far. Her boldness has bi sense. Boldness comes with honour and respect. She really feels for her but still believes she could have done better by taking out her mother's part. She feels her mom did her best in her upbringing and there's definitely a genuine reason why she has kept it away from her all this while. Comments by people read that, she is the best person to speak to broken Yvonne and bring her back to the right path. Two wrongs does not make right was her reply to Sarkodie's reply to the book. She held back herself from saying more since both are cashing out big time and enjoying themselves in their respective homes. She added that, she'd love to talk to Yvonne if only she'd listen to her.

 Words to Yvonne 

Nobody hates you Yvonne. We all love you. Things happen in life for us to learn. We don't need to share it all to the whole world. Everyone has got some truths to tell but only God knows the truth. Let's learn from life.

During the show, a lot of her fans praised her for her endurance, exuberance and beautiful skin. She's indeed a beauty- beautiful inside out.

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