Unto Us A Child is Born By Rev Benjie


Christmas is a season where many come together as friends and family to share, love, bond, unite and celebrate the birth of Christ but also to make amends. 

For the past 4 years, Ps Benjie has consistently released one hit after the other to commemorate the occasion of Christmas. 


This year Ps has collaborated with a powerful songstress Lady Jennifer Greenaway originally from the US Virgin Islands but based in Columbus Ohio to release the Unto Us a Child is Born Christmas song under the Christmas in Columbus Ohio project.

Ps Benjie is an authentic songwriter, composer and singer who has over 30 songs to his credit.

He is also an author of several books, and an apostle with deep insight into revelational knowledge about Christ and his Kingdom.

He is the founder and the senior Pastor of Covenant Place Ministries Worldwide based in Columbus, Ohio with branches in Europe, East and West Africa.

Listen on this link 


Follow him on YouTube: TeteOdomankoma Music

Benjie Adu-Kumi

Facebook: Benjie Adu-Kumi

Intagram: Benjie Adu-Kumi